Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Documentary Response - Mr. Kennedy

Prince William And The Spider

Hello Everyone,

What you are required to do for this portion is to post a comment about the following topic. This response should be roughly two paragraphs in length (please do not write a full essay). Remember, your comment will not be published until I moderate it. This assignment will be considered late if your comment is submitted later than 8am on Monday, March 22.

Nature vs. Nurture

For years, people have been debating whether it is nature or nurture that causes humans to develop into the people we are. Is it our genes (nature)? Or is it the environment and experiences we are exposed to (nurture)?
Think about the David Suzuki documentary "The Downside of High," and give your opinion on the nature vs. nurture debate. In this video we learned about how smoking marijuana can increase the risk, for individuals with specific genes, of developing schizophrenia. Do you think people develop mainly because of nature, nurture, or a combination there of? You should also make connections to other genetic traits or environmental impacts that can change the way we are. As well, make at least one connection to yourself.

Happy March Break!


  1. #13

    I believe that people develop by a combination of both nature and nurture but I think it is mostly due to nurture. In David Suzuki documentary "The Downside of High," it shows how genes can cause problems like schizophrenia but only if the person who has the gene also smokes marijuana. I believe that nurture is a stronger impact because it is like mind over matter. It is like how you can give someone a sugar pill for something and it "makes" them better.
    Some things that cannot be overcome with nurture are things like obesity (cannot fully be overcome) and diseases passed on from generation to generation like some cancers.
    Personally I think nurture has had a bigger impact on my life because I have seen the way my parents have done things and how they have raised me and I can make choices in the future based on them. I think that genetics is more influential of the way you look and nature is more influential of the way you act.

  2. # 11

    I honestly think that we cannot blame the development of schizophrenia on just nature alone, or just nuture alone.
    From this course, I have already learned that the development of humans and their genes are completely out of our control and is also random. The make up from the father and mother combine to from what we are, and cannot be planned out.
    From the David Suzuki video "The Downside of High", I learned that people who have specific genes and smoke marijuana, can increase the risk of developing schizophrenia. The THC in the in marijuana triggers something in our brains that will release the symptoms.
    Knowing both of these facts, it only makes sense to me that it is a combination of the two that can cause schizophrenia. A person who has the genes may just have their schizophrenia stay dormant, but the smoke of marijuana will bring out the symptoms.
    I know that I have no idea if i would be the type of person to have the symptoms of developing schizophrenia. And i don't plan on it!
    This is the only disorder that i know of so far that can be also caused and triggered by an environmental factor.
    Maybe we can find an environmental fact that can help people in the future, or reverse the effects marijuana gives to schizophrenia patients.

  3. #19
    I think most people develop mainly because of nurture. Although some people may develope from nature, or even a combination of both, most are brought up to live around the nurture we live in.
    Nurture causes our devopment because of the way we are brought up. Some teenagers live in harsh neighbourhoods then most and are exposed to alot of drugs and alcohol. As peer pressure takes place, most teenagers give in and join the rest in their bad habbits. As time passes by, most poeple develop severe sickness or other disorders. All their habbits are from growing up around others that make it a habbit as well.
    For example, Teenagers that smoke, usually smoke because their friends are smokers and its cool to do what they do. However some do start smoking because their parents do but it is still how you are brought up. Teens who usually get into drugs are from being around their friends that do them, not becuase of their genetics.

  4. #7

    For years, people have been debating whether what makes us who are is nature (genes) or nurture (environment and experiences we are exposed to). I believe that nurture has more effect on who we are and become. For one, I think this because of the documentary “The Downside Of High” shows that people who smoke weed throughout their young adulthood have a higher chance of developing schizophrenia. Another reason I believe this is that if you don’t get proper sleep and are woken up more than once in the night you have a 50% more likely chance in developing diabetes, you also have a higher chance of developing heart problems. One last reason I believe this is because if you smoke you also have a higher chance of getting lung cancer. All these things have nothing to do with your genes, they are experiences you’ve had throughout your life that can contribute to certain diseases or illnesses.
    I also believe that it is more experiences then genes because I think that I got my personality from the things I’ve been exposed to. I think that I am a strong person because of the things that I’ve been through in my life, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. The things people go through in their life and the friends they make is what I believe makes them who they are.
    In conclusion I believe that the experience we go through make us who we are more so than genes do.

  5. #18

    I think people develop because of their nature and nurture. They way we look and our personality types souly depend on the nature of our parents. Our behanvior and the choices we make, on the other hand, depends on the nurture of our lives.
    Genetics play a huge role in shaping people into who they are. It's what gives us our physical indentity which makes us unique from one another. It also gives us our individual personalities that influence they way we act and the choices we make. The genes we inherit from our parents deffintely have a big effect on the kind of people we develop into.
    No only does our nature define who we are in life, but the nurture we recieve from our paretns and the kind enviornment we are exposed to effects us as well. Significant experiances and events that we go through in life greatly alter they way we act and the type of people we become. For example, if we experiance something very depressing like the death of a loved one, we could develop a negative personality type. They way our parents bring us up and the things we learn from them can really effect us too. Our behavior in life often reflects the lessons we learned from our parents and the way they taught us to act.
    As you can see, people develop into who they are because of our nature and nurture. It is the combination of the two that makes us unique and different from one another.

  6. Nurture Vs. Nature

    You always hear the argument are people the way they are because of the enviroment or because of their genes?

    I believe that it is a combination of both; their enviroment (nurture), and their genes (nature). The reason why I think it's because of both nurture and nature is that genes do have a huge part in who we are and what we are like, but our decisions afect who we make ourselves be. For example, my grandma is allergic to cats, which therefore makes me allergic to cats and not want to be around them, but when I was little I got a cat for my birthday from a friend I chose to like my cat. Therefore my choice changed a part of me, the reason I made that choice was because my mum loved cats and nurtured me to enjoy being around them, even though my genes were telling me different. This example therefore shows that our parents affect our choices as much as our genes do.

  7. #14
    Nature vs. Nurture.

    I believe that people become who they are today due to a combination of both nature and nurture. In the video, "The Downside of High," by David Suzuki, the risk of schizophrenia increases in the people who have the certain genes, which is due to nature, if they smoke marijuana, which is a lack of nurture. This means the combination of nature(schizophrenia genes) and nurture(smoking marijuana) causes many people who have been affected by this diagnosis to become who they are today.

    Another example of how the combination of nature and nurture help develop humans is the many unhealthy people in third world countries such as Africa. When they are first born, they are born with potential and the are healthy in the "nature" aspect. As people in these locations grow, their lack of nurture is what causes them to become very unhealthy. Their living situations and access to poor water sources and lack of nutrition are some factors that are linked with nurture. In this case, the lack of nurture is the cause of the unhealthy population, not the nature of their genes. In my case, I was born with 5th degree reflux, a bladder defect, this you could say is due to nature. Fourtunately, due to "nurture", I recieved the proper treatmeant and am a healthy human being due to the opportunities and care I needed. These are only some examples of how nature and nurture combined together help develop individuals to who they are today. I believe nature is dependant on nurture just as nurture is nature.

  8. #5

    I think that people develop differently based on both nature and nurture. In the documentary we watched, "The Downside of High," it showed how drugs such as marijuana can trigger certain traits for different mental disorders such as schizophrenia. I think just doing drugs in general can have a big impact on the person you become and can change your life. Peer pressure can play a big role in the different things people expose themselves to as well. I personally know of people that have gotten into drugs. They are completely different than they were before they chose this lifestyle and their lives have changed a lot, mainly for the worse. Nature can also have a big impact on the people we become. Some people are just born with certain genes that affect their lives from the start. Things such as dwarfism, being premature, downs syndrome and so on can change who you grow up to be. These different factors can change the way you do things in life. Because of the things you expose yourself to, as shown in the video, it can develop things you didn't even know were there. No two people are exactly the same in how they will be affected by the things they experience and saying that it's nature or nurture alone doesn't answer all the different questions as to how people develop. Overall, both nature and nurture together add up to who we are.

  9. I believe that humans are developed as a result of both nature and nurture. This is not only true in our society but in our genetics also. For example society wields many things that can cause health defects. Things such as alcohol and smoking can cause a person to be at risk of many diseases and sicknesses. But why do people drink and use smoking products? Because it is a part of culture and as the saying goes “monkey see monkey do”. The more people that drink and smoke the higher risk people in general have of getting some sort of disease or sickness. Also the media can cause people to think in certain ways about what they want and who they may be breeding with. For example; the attractive male would ne consider tall dark and handsome. This creates a problem for the shorter men. If they aren’t considered socially to breed with then the generation to come will be taller and taller as a result of genetics.

    Nature however on the other hand is also a factor in human development. Humans are always having to change and morph to fit their surroundings. Whether it be a natural disaster or a change in climate humans will constantly be moving and changing in order to fit their own needs. Over long periods of time humans may actually evolve in some way if they are not able to accommodate themselves in the changing world. Nature is very powerful and much stronger than us as humans, which is why it is able to develop and change us in a way that we could never change it.


  10. #2
    Overall I think we are built of a mixture of nature and nurture.
    Children in a family usually have resemblances to eachother and their parents. We inherite many traits from our parents. Our faces, body structure, even diseases. This doesn't mean that we're bound to get a disease just because Our ancestors had it. I think that is partially where nurture comes into play. Certain substances increase your risk of getting a disease that may be in your family. For example, carcinogins feed cancer cells, smoking cannabis increases your chance of developing schizophrenia.
    Nurture has a big part on your personality and not so much your physical apearance. Where I grow up is in a humorous, religious, loving family and I think I have a lot more different views than friends that have grown up in different environments. Nature and Nurture have both equally shaped who I am.

  11. #12

    Nature vs. Nurture

    Nature vs. nurture is the famous battle that has been studied of human behaviour for centuries. Nature refers to our biology, our physical and genetic makeup. For example, different traits like hair and eye colour. Nurture refers to our environment and experiences, the external world we live in. For example, peer pressure and constant interaction with other people is bound to affect one’s behaviour to some degree.
    In David Suzuki’s documentary “The Downside of High” it talked about how marijuana can increase the risk, for individuals with specific genes, of developing schizophrenia. I think that people develop mainly a combination of nature and nurture because they have many factors in each of them that differ to balance the equation, making it hard to tell which one people develop from.

  12. Nature vs. Nurture

    In my opinion both the things we do and are exposed to and our genes have an equal effect on how we evolve in our lives in different ways. We can also cause ourselves harm like shown in the David Suzuki documentary, “The Downside of High”. If not exposed to marijuana these patients may have not been diagnosed with mental diseases like schizophrenia. On the other hand if the mental condition was not present in the person’s genes the marijuana may not have had any negative affect whatsoever.

    In more obvious comparison between what we are exposed to and what are genes contain. If a dirt biker was to have a horrible crash leaving him paralyzed from the neck down his genes would have nothing to do with it, it would be all nurture. If he’d never biked or crashed, he would not be paralyzed. In another case, a newborn baby is born with Down’s syndrome. His genes had everything to do with his syndrome. I personally was given the genes to be tall and muscular (nature). Before starting to workout I could bench 115 lbs struggling 10 times. Now after weight training (nurture) I can bench 165 lbs easily 10 times. The way we live our lives is in our hands the way we are built in our genes is not, either way a combination of nature and nurture exists.

  13. I think it’s both nature and nurture alone or a combination of the two that cause us to turn into the people we are. In the documentary “The downside of high”, nature and nurture acted together to turn three teens schizophrenic. The documentary informed us that many people are born with the gene for schizophrenia (nature), but their chances increase dramatically for actually becoming schizophrenic, if they have ever experimented with pot in their teen years (nurture). This is not just true for schizophrenia, but also for many other diseases and mental disorders. Coronary artery disease (CAD) which causes heart attacks is another example because the gene for CAD can be passed down from generation to generation, but not exercising and bad diet can increase the chance of actually getting a heart attack.
    While some mental disorders and diseases are controlled by a combination of both nature and nurture, some traits like our personality and hobbies or physical appearances can be controlled alone. We gain interest in different hobbies from the different experiences we go through. So hobbies are controlled alone by nurture, while physical traits like our natural hair colour or eye colour are controlled solely by nature. I have noticed that my hobbies are different from my parents, but a lot of the physical appearances like hair colour are the same. This shows that nature and nurture alone or a combination of the two can cause us to turn into the people we are.


  14. Nature Vs. Nurture

    For centuries people have been debating whether it is nature or nurture that causes us to be the people that we become. As I think back to the documentary “The Downside of High” by David Suzuki, I believe that nature and nurture affect humans both equally. I believe this because nature can only do so much for a person like your skin colour or your hair colour, while nurture is the events that happen to you in your life that causes you to change for example people that when to war, they don’t come back the same person they were before they when, something inside then changes.
    I have seen how natures affect people in my life and because of it, have taken two of my grandparent’s lives with Alzheimer’s disease. This is a genetic disease that causes brain to forget things. Not all nature things are bad because it can cause you to be immune to current diseases.
    Also I have seen so of the different ways that my friends have been raised to the way they are today. My one friend has a really close family that supports her in school and I believe that causes her to do very well in school, then I have another friend that come from a broken home and she either skip classes or is suspend for something .
    Both nature and nurture can change a person’s life by their self, but they are more affective when they are together like in the movie because of those peoples choices to smoke weed cause a trigger to go off in their genetic make up to give them a mental illness. What if they did smoke that stuff would they still have that illness?

  15. Nature vs. Nurture

    I believe that both nature and nurture play a part in the way we turn out. In David Suzuki's documentary, “The Downside of High”, it says that smoking marijuana increases your chance of a mental disorder appearing, if you have that gene. I believe what the documentary is saying, i just don't understand why everybody else who smokes marijuana doesn't suffer from these horrible affects either. Aside from that, I do believe that your genes, as well as experiences, influences, and your environment contribute to the people we become. Like someone wrote about in their responses, obesity can be from a poor diet and lack of exercise, but it can partially be because of genes passed down from your parents.

    Although there are certain traits or characteristics that can be obtained by both nature and nurture, there are also many that I feel are only obtained by nature or nurture. for example, the natural colour of your eyes or hair are obtained only by nature, your genes. Your beliefs or personality traits are obtained by nurture, they way we are raised, who influences us, and our personal influences. The people we turn out to be is from a combination of nature and nurture.


  16. #3

    The debate of nature vs. nurture causes people to feel like only one or the other contributes to who we are as a person. I think that both nature and nurture effect the way we grow. I think the genes we are born with sometimes are just not present until something around us happens. I think that it’s the environment that is around us that triggers that certain genes and makes them present themselves.

    Another trait than can be inherited from parents but my not present itself until in the right environment is IQ. The IQ of a person can’t be shown until they are in the right place with a chance for it to be shown, as in going to school. One trait I am more susceptible to inherit is cancer. Three out of four of my grandparents had cancer; I will just try to stay within a good environment so these chances to do increase.

  17. I think that people develop from both nature and nurture. The way we as a person turn out is not entirely based on our genes, and it is not entirely based on the way we are raised.

    Everyone has genes; they are just a fact of life. Genes are inherited from your parents, and they make up some of who you are. When a child is born, they might be completely healthy. They might be the perfect child and their parents might know exactly how the child’s life is going to be, but life likes to through things at us. If this child ends up in a terrible car accident, this child’s life may now be changed forever, and that’s due to nurture. Nothing with this child’s genes could tell it’s parents that it was going to be in a terrible car accident, it’s just something that comes with life.

    For me, I have the genes of brown hair and brown eyes. I inherited those genes from my parents, just like all my other genes. But there is nothing in my genes that said I was going to become the farm girl that I am today. That came from the nurture part of my life. Being outside on the farm all the time with my uncles, and living on the farm, made me into the farm girl; those were experiences that I had that shaped my life into the way that it is today.

  18. #15

    I believe people develop from both nature and nurture but mainly nurture. The things you do during your lifetime will change who you are much more than your genes. Genes will stay pretty much the same for the length of your life but things like smoking or consuming alcohol even if only occasionaly could change your life forever. Some other things that could change you are your family and friends. You are not born with a gene to like something like soccer or certain foods but the people aroung you influence you and you are much more likely to enjoy it too. One change from nuture i've experienced was from getting my ipod stolen. this may not sound like much but I believe it was because of this that I became much more cautious of my possesions and the people around me.


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