Friday, March 5, 2010

Pros, Cons and Ethics of Stem Cell Research


Stem cell research, is it good or bad? Most of all, what is stem cell research? Stem cell research is a method used by scientist for obtaining and developing stem cells for a long period of time. Stem cells have the ability to replicate its exact copy which allows it to fabricate cells for certain tissues in the body. Three types of stem cells we research are:

Embryonic Stem cells, which come from either an aborted child, or left over fertilized eggs from a process called invitro fertilization. (Invitro Fertilization: a process where the egg of a female is fertilized by the sperm of a male in a laboratory procedure)These cells are considered more useful because they can produce cells for almost every tissue in the body.

Adult stem cells are not as useful compared to embryonic stem cells, but are still used. These cells are not as common in research because they are particular to the cell types.

Umbilical cord stem cells are taken from a pregnant woman and also provide the greatest source.

The ethical issues when discussing stem cell research are basically focused on the use of embryonic cells. This is because many different people have different opinions on when a human begins to exist. Is it the moment the egg is fertilized? Or is it when the early embryo begins to form functioning membranes (usually takes 16 day after fertilization)?

Some pros when concerning stem cell research are:

-organs can be grown in a lab and used for implants opposed to having a person lose an organ.

-the raw material provided through stem cell research, we would be better able to help discover a cure or heal an illness such as diabetes, some types of cancer, and heart disease.

-gives us the ability to test many medicines and drugs with out testing animals or using human testers.

The only main con when concerning stem cell research is:

-when dealing with embryonic stem cells, many who value life from conception believe it is taking a life.

Either way there are many opinions that are formed and protested. Although there are many pros and only one con, I believe that the con over weighs the pros when dealing with embryonic stem cells, but I also believe that the other two types of stem cell research are a good way to help the medical field and their research.


1 comment:

  1. #19
    Very good post. There is alot of great information in the paragraphs and I really like how when you listed the three types of stem cells we research, you bolded the names and then described what each one was with great detail. Overall, it helps the readers understand the whole concept of the pros and cons. I also like how you stated your opinion on the whole idea. I agree with you how even though there are many pros but only one con, the con over wieghs all the pros when dealing with embryonic stem cells.


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