Saturday, June 5, 2010

My Connection - #1.

How Asthma effects a Person

Have you ever been playing a sport and found it very hard to breathe? Well a person having a asthma attack would have this feeling but about ten times more extreme. When you are experiencing a asthma attack you feel like your whole chest is collapsing. You also feel like the only solution to this problem is that puffer, which you probably don't have on you..

Never had this problem? Well your extremmely lucky. Asthma sucks, to be blunt, it sucks because when I was a child I always had to be the one to take a puffer before going outside to have fun, to know when I had to stop playing because my chest would start pounding if I didn't. What eight year old kid wants to stop playing right in the middle of a game because they needed to use their puffer?

Asthma is caused by many things; pollution, genetics, and the way your raised. My asthma was caused because of genetics, my dad has it so I get to have it. Pollution has a big impact on asthma because now that our world is more polluted more childern are born with asthma. This is going to impact our society if we don't find a fix for it, so someone find a fix.

1 comment:

  1. This was a very well done post; simple, easy to read and understand, and personal.
    My uncle has asthma, and he always has to be careful, especially when working. During harvest, he is always wearing dust masks, and usually won't step outside the combine unless he has one on, because it can badly effect his asthma. And he usually doesn't have his puffer on him. :)


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