Thursday, June 3, 2010


The blog was definatley new to me for a class assignment. I thought it was a good idea and was a good way to gain additional marks. One negavtive was it was easy to forget about because it wasn't something handed out weekly, you really needed to keep your self aware of the schedule or else it was very easy to fall behind. Another negative was when it was your week to comment on a certain topic, and there was no post for that week, although we were able to comment on other posts from previous weeks.
One positive was that it was a good way to learn new things related to biology, you either have to research a topic and post it, or you have to read the post and comment, so either way you were learning something new. I also liked having homework that only needed the computer and internet for.

1 comment:

  1. #11

    I thought that the blog had its highlights and its lowlights. The blog writing itself wasn't so bad, it was a good way to get fast and easy marks. The topics that we had to write about were good choices, and were easy to discuss and provide information about. The only bad thing I found about the blog was that I didn't feel there was enough reminders about when to post and comment. I know that it is my responsibility, but it is hard to remember to do the posts and comments. One suggestion that I would give would be to post a big chart in the classroom that shows when everyone posts and comments. That would be a quicker and easier resource for us to use. Overall, it was a good assignment, and a good way to get easy marks. So thank you!!


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