Sunday, May 30, 2010

Cancer/ Diabetes

Cancer harms the body when damaged cells divide uncontrollably to form lumps or masses of tissue called tumors. Cancer can be inherited from family members or you can even be born with certain mutations that cause cancer later in life. Some cancers can be felt or seen through the skin, a lump on the breast or testicle can be an indicator of cancer in those locations. Some symptoms of cancer are: - fever
- fatigue
- excessive sweating
- anemia
- unexplained weight loss
Treatment depends on the type of cancer, how much its spread, age, health, and additional personal information. There is no single treatment for cancer, cancer treatments usually happen in six stages: - surgery
- radiation
- chemotherapy
- immunotherapy
- hormone therapy
- gene therapy
Cancer has caused pain to individuals and families all over the world and there is hope that one day someone will find the cure for cancer. Some statistics of cancer are: - On average, 3,340 Canadians have been diagnosed with cancer every week
- On average, 1,470 Canadians die of cancer every week.
Diabetes is classed as metabolism, which refers to the way our bodies use digested food for energy and growth. There are three types of diabetes type 1, diabetes type 2, and gestational diabetes. All types of diabetes are treatable except for types 1 and 2 which last a lifetime.
Cancer and diabetes have affected my family for generations. My dad’s side has had many family members diagnosed with cancer and my mom’s side of the family has had their fair shares that’ve been diagnosed with diabetes. My grandma and grandpa both have passed away within less than a year apart from cancer. My aunt and uncle (on my mom’s side) have been both diagnosed with diabetes.



(2010) What is Cancer? What Causes Cancer?
(2010) What is diabetes? What causes diabetes?

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