Sunday, May 30, 2010

I decided to do breast cancer because my Grandma had this type of cancer, and she is a survivor.
Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women and has the highest death rates due to it. Breast cancer is seen when you have a mammogram and is usually classified as a lump in the breast. Cancer happens when new cells begin to form when they aren’t needed and old or damaged cells don’t die. When this happens they being to clump and form a tumor. Tumors can be non-cancerous or cancerous.
There are many different risk factors, an increase in the chance of developing an illness/disease, the make it more likely for you to get breast cancer. Some can be avoided and some cannot. A few that you can’t avoid are; age, as you grow older the chance of developing breast cancer increases, family health history, If your mother, father, sister or daughter had breast cancer increases your chances as well. Ones that can be avoided include; drinking alcohol, the more you drink the more likely it is for you to get breast cancer, lack of physical activity, the less you do the more likely you will develop breast cancer. But, having one of these factors does not always mean that you will get breast cancer.
Symptoms to take into account are; A lump in/near the breast, change in the size or shape of the breast, dimpling in the skin of the breast, nipple turned inward into the breast, discharge from the nipple (especially if it’s bloody), and/or scaly, red, or swollen skin on the breast, nipple, or arelola.
If you have breast cancer there are many treatment options; surgery, radiation therapy, hormone therapy, chemotherapy, and targeted therapy.
If you suspect that you may have breast cancer, or even if you don’t believe that you do, go to your family doctor and get checked and get it treated as soon as possible. The earlier it is found the easier it is to treat.

Works cited:


  1. this blog was written by #7

  2. #10

    great connection. glad to hear that you grandma survived beast cancer. your information was very insightful. to improve this post you could have added more about what your grandma went through like for example treatment as well as the great general information you had. did you know that 200,000 new cases are diagnosed in American and Canadian women each year. Great post!


    I hear that men can develop breast cancer. is this true and if s about how many men are diagnosed?

    Can obesity effect your chances of having breast cancer?

  3. #2
    You've included some great information in your post. I would have also liked to know more connection to your grandmother. I read it because I also have a close connection with breast cancer as my mom was once a surviver. It's crazy how many people deal with cancer or lose loved ones because of it.
    I know there are many fundraisers for breast cancer out there:
    Do you know approximately how much is raised for it each year?
    Have you ever considered doing a walk or fundraiser for Breast cancer because you have been affected by it?

    Although you're already informed about cancer, because of your grandma, I can tell you did your research. Very good post.


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