Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Causes and Effects of Acid Rain

Acid rain is rainfall with a pH level lower than 5.6. This type of pollution is currently debated worldwide due to the potential of it causing environmental damages all across the world. For the last decade or so acid rain has caused destruction to hundreds of lakes and streams in many parts of the world like the United States, Canada, and Europe. Acid rain forms because of the oxides of sulfite and nitrogen mixing with the moisture contained in the air, resulting in the formation of sulfuric and nitric acids. These acids can be released from clouds very far from where it was created.

Sulfur dioxide comes from burning fossil fuels that have sulfur in it. Industrial combustion in steel factories and the processing of crude oil are the biggest producers of the sulfur dioxide gas with almost 70% coming from them. Nitrogen oxide comes from a firing process which is when extremely high temperatures are involved. Driving vehicles is the largest cause of this gas with it being responsible for 43% of it.

The effects of acid rain are terrible. The acid rain seeps into the soil and poisons plants by dissolving the beneficial nutrients and minerals that the plants need to grow. The sulfuric acid in acid rain is also harmful to fish. The acid messes up their ability to take in nutrients, oxygen and salt. When they cant take in these things they either get sick until the pH levels in the water get better or die if the pH level is bad enough. Acid rain also has a big effect on human life. It effects the food we eat and causes the toxic metals to break apart from the compounds they are naturally found in and can enter into our water and make us very sick. These toxic metals are safe when in the compound with other elements but once they come apart it can be very, very dangerous. These are the causes and effecs of Acid rain. So stop polluting our air and save our ecosystems because without them we can not survive.

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